Monday, June 9, 2008

I'm As Big As A Small Man!

I don't have enough summer shirts (read: t-shirts) to last an entire week.

Before, I would cheat by (gasp!) wearing a shirt more than once w/o washing.

Turns out DC weather makes that impossible, if not unfeasible. Even walking to put a thank-you note in a mailbox causes my clothes to stick to my skin.

So what's a frugal recent graduate to do?

Buy a five-pack of men's undershirts, of course. Size small. 5 shirts for $6.95 is the best deal going.

(And white goes with everything.)

It does make me sad, a little bit, to be going around in a white undershirt during the Year of the Summer Dress, but I console myself with the idea that, by the end of the summer, I might be earning enough money to buy a dress or two of my own.

Until then, I'll girl up my manly shirt with strings of junk jewelry and toenail polish.


Anonymous said...

Ross is your friend. Ross Dress For Less. I bought a few summer dresses there four years ago for maybe $20 and I still wear them often every summer.

Anonymous said...

Nothing wrong with the white tee!

It was once my ambition to be so quirky and rich that I could wear white tshirts and jeans everywhere (albeit with fabulous accessories) and everyone would call it a fashion choice. Now... well, you've seen my closet.

Also, witness this:

~Miss Ginny